Friday, July 20, 2012

Batu Randak , Geliga Randak Dicari/Dibeli

Kami merupakan peniaga dari Malaysia
Kami berminat dengan sesiapa di Indonesia atau Malaysia atau Filipina
yang mempunyai Batu Randak atau Geliga Randak
Kami beryakin untuk membeli daripada anggota yang mempunyai harta ini
Kami berjamin akan membeli kuantiti yang besar
dan membeli dengan masa yang tetap
Sekiranya sesiapa tuan tuan yang berminat untuk menjual harta ini
Kami bersyukur untuk mendapat peluang untuk berniaga dengan anda
Sila hubungi kita

Kami juga menjual Batu Randak ataupun Geliga Randak di Malaysia
Kami memperoleh kuantiti yang besar
Sila hubungi no. telefon Malaysia kami
Kami menjamin harga yang berpatutan dan kualiti yang terbaik!

Porcupine Stone

n Chinese traditional medicine, there are some incredible sources of natural remedies for all kinds of ailments. One of these many interesting remedies believed to be able to cure various conditions is called a bezoar.
A bezoar is a mass of food found trapped in an animal’s stomach system, usually from consuming grass and herbs. In particular, bezoar stones found in porcupines are believed to be used to cure cancer, diabetes, dengue fever, typhoid, epilepsy, hepatitis as well as many other conditions.
In Malaysia, there is a high demand for porcupine bezoar stones and medicinal shops can charge as much as RM700 for under a half gram! There is a lot of money to be made from obtaining these stones and people are very keen to make a profit from those looking to find quick-fix miracle cures.

However, the high demand for porcupine bezoars means that countless porcupines suffer needlessly in order to meet that demand. Recent news stories have given heart-breaking insights into such suffering. People who try to profit from the bezoar stones keep the poor animals in cramped cages and the porcupine is butchered for its meat and the stones are removes from its stomach to be sold on. (You can read one such story here:
Recently, I have had bouts of illness and have been searching for remedies so my health can improve quickly. However, whatever I experience when I am ill is nothing compared to the terrifying trauma and brutal treatment poor porcupines are faced with. If I were to use porcupine bezoars in order to heal, I would not feel good about my health and recovery at all, knowing that a porcupine had suffered a horrific death. Especially when I can find alternative methods and remedies. Hence I refused to use this. It is your choice, but have compassion for animals please.
Porcupines suffer tremendously and there is no 100% guarantee that the bezoar stones will cure people of their condition. There are many other ways in which we can treat our ailments and illnesses. Why do we need to force unnecessary suffering upon porcupines and other animals to tend to our health? It makes no sense that we should feel positive about our own health improving when the cause for this is an animal having been slaughtered on our behalf.
In our practice, we pray to take on the suffering of all beings so that we can develop compassion and loving kindness towards all sentient beings. Imagine how hypocritical it would be to pray for the benefit of all sentient beings while we are happy for a poor defenseless animal to die a horrible death for our own gain. That doesn’t provide any benefit for the porcupine at all – only terror, suffering and pain!
When we are ill, we should definitely look towards getting better as quickly as possible. No-one wants to suffer; everyone wants to live in peace and without pain. We should keep this in mind when considering all other beings too: they also want to live in peace and without suffering. There are many, many ways that we can treat our illnesses and conditions and as spiritual practitioners, we should always endeavor to check that the treatment we seek out is free from causing suffering to other beings

So for who which interesting in this perfect medicine
Or can be known as the biggest present from the creator of our planet
Please contact us at 012-7897525 or 017-7927811017-
Mike Ong
We promise to give the best quality of product and the best price

No matter you're from the Kuala Lumpur City
or the Johor Bahru City 
or you're from the west side Sabah or Sarawak
We can provide you our product if you're from Malaysia

Special remind we only provide wholesale





箭猪枣Porcupine date



病例1,子宫瘤 著名女西医因佇经,经血倒流,造成子宫发炎。因发烧不能开刀,其老父买箭猪枣(0.3克)共给她吃6次。发烧全愈后,才开刀。







钱先生感染脑膜炎过滤性病毒,开始视觉模湖 温烧入院后昏迷,医生宣称已成植物人,后更因呼吸佇止,而插管用机器呼吸。家属以点滴管喂食大量箭猪枣得以起死回生,间中幸得中医师针炙加速痊愈。得天恩宠醒后恢复正常,复健三周后上班工作。堪称奇迹。




二十三岁少女乳癌初期,医生将要开刀前数日,服用箭猪枣后局部炙热疼痛。开刀之前再检验,发现 之前证实的肿瘤缩小,而不需要开刀。

18岁小女患上淋巴癌。白血球降至1.7(正常人3-6).身体受感染发烧,医生要用十倍强的抗生素注射,其母担心,改用箭猪枣,少女不但退烧 而且白血球升至3.7,而且精神奕奕。


Mike Ong 012-7897525

JB , KL , Malaysia